To put this into perspective, that percentage is about the same that the average home uses for cooling and electronic appliances. We seem to spend more and more time reminding people in the house to turn off the lights when they are not in the room, etc.
Where is energy saving CFL’s appropriate?
They are most energy efficient when used in locations requiring lighting for extended periods of time. So the first place to for installing them would be in the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, etc. You may not want to install them in a location where lights are only turned on for a few minutes (closet). You can do so; however the payback on efficiency (electricity savings) will be slower in comparison to other areas. If you are not sure, ENERGY STAR recommends using qualified CFL’s in lighting fixtures that are typically used at least 15 minutes at a time.
To conclude, introducing energy saving light bulbs in your home will allow you to conserve electricity and save money on electricity bills. Think about this the next time you need to replace a bulb, start conserving electricity and then reduce your energy costs!
Article Courtesy: Electricity Conservation